Acupuncture is mainly used to treat diseases and conditions such as:
Acupuncture alongside physical therapy
The benefits of combined treatment of both approaches are:
Many women and men have pelvic girdle dysfunction (ie, urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, constipation and/or pelvic pain and back pain). In regards to that, there is a variety of therapeutic approaches with common goal through different fields of expertise, that support holistically healing over time! Such an example is the combination of physical therapy and acupuncture that can help treat pelvic floor dysfunction.
Athens Rehab
Athens Rehab is a Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center in the center of Athens (Hilton Area), offering a wide range of treatments, such as: Physiotherapy, Pelvic Floor Therapy, Sports Medicine, as well as individualized treatments and supervised exercise programs, according to the problem of patient, in the well-equipped fitness area it has.
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